
Finding "the fortitude to head into the future."

I recently had what could either be called a rude awakening… or an epiphany. Depends on perception, I suppose. Anyway, it began when I decided to make some changes to my website – www.deevinemissm.com. To my surprise, it was gone. That’s right – GONE! So I called GoDaddy, found out it had expired and the fee to renew was $90!

Post-holiday depression has always been a problem for me, and I really missed my daughter and grandkids in Virginia. So, I had spent the last several weeks (months)curled up into a fetal position and waiting… for what? I don’t know. But finding out “the deevine miss m” was gone was shock enough to make me uncurl, stand up and figure out how to start again.

While looking for some inspiration and encouragement, I went back to one of my favorite artists – Sue Smith, Ancient Artist. Sue is an amazing person and on one of her blogs I found this list of Sue’s Life Lessons (in bold) – here are my responses to each.

Let go of expectations tied to your personal timetable.
I need to update my blog – the last entry was October 10, 2009. I need to salvage my website, which I lost because I didn’t re-new in time. I need to be creating!!! I want to create!!! I don’t have time to create!!!

Trust in your talent and ability to create even in the face of the unknown.
I don’t know what to do or where to start, so I do nothing. Once I figure out where to start, what will I do with my creation after it is finished?

Do what matters to you.
Seems like all I do is exist just to get through each day. Everything I do is something I must do, not something I want to do. By the time I finish all these necessary tasks, I have no energy left, so I’m back to novels and naps!

Have the patience to wait for the positive outcome.
It’s hard to have patience in the best of times, so how do I find a positive outcome when times aren’t so good?

Live in the moment.
I spent most of my life living either in the past, which was not a good place, or looking for tomorrow, which surely will be better than today!

Regret nothing.
WOW! That’s a tough one! As a very wise person once told me, be careful what you wish for – you might get it! I left my Virginia family and returned to Tulsa, to peace and quiet, my own place - thinking I would have time to do all those things I wanted to do…. eight months later, I sit here looking at what I’ve accomplished - nothing.

So, in summary, to quote Sue once more, I’m going to “find the fortitude to head into the future.” I have purchased a new domain name – www.thedeevinemissm.com. Close enough, I hope, that people can find me. So, I am busy re-designing the site and updating links from my other social sites. I’m going to visit all the blogs I like and start posting comments. And, I’m going to read Ancient Wisdom:Emerging Artist: A Business Plan for the Mature Artist , which I’ve already downloaded to my desktop!

One of my responsibilities outside the art world is that I cook 4 shifts a week, 4 hours each, at the Moose Lodge. We need some kitchen equipment, so Nina, my waitress/ assistant/ miracle worker person, and I are going to do a fundraiser, which will include my artwork, her bead work (see picture below) and whatever donations we can find from other people, stores, etc. This will hopefully inspire me to create some new stuff!

Wish me luck, and comments are gratefully accepted!!!

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