
Funky Daffydils

A little touch of spring fever there in that title! (I didn't know the botanical name for daffodil is narcissus).The sun has been shining for almost 2 days now... I'm ready to put the top down on the car and go fishing!!! Actually, I did have it down Saturday for awhile, mostly so I could clean it out. But Sadie and I went for a short ride, before the clouds came back and the temperature dropped.


Continuing the theme...

The background started out as a picture of an orange feather on a gray background. I did lots of cutouts and overlays, color changes, until I saw something I liked. I knew I was going with flowers but waited until the background was done, then I found these photos of roses from our yard last summer. Now that I'm started I want to do a whole set!!!


Something New

I don't usually do abstract-style work, but read on one of the blogs - I think it was Deborah Ross or Uta Mooney - about doing a background first, and then seeing what came from that. So, here's my first try. This one was from a stock background shot and a photo I'd taken of a rose, but I'd like to start creating my own backgrounds and see where it takes me. I'm already seeing a whole new thing with all those flower photos I've been taking.... whoopee!


Rain, rain, go away...

Even though it seems like it's going to rain forever, every once in a while we get a brief hint of spring. Here's another new friend I met in the backyard last week. Well, actually, he was in the neighbor's backyard... and I was standing on tiptoe, taking pictures over the fence! Sure is a good thing she's a friendly neighbor - I gave her a nice print, just to keep her that way! :D


Words of Encouragement.

Yesterday I decided to check in on a couple of blogs I like and I discovered a real gem! A post named "The Near-Extinction of Blind Faith" by Ancient Artist. If you ever feel like you're not very good at what you do, be it creative endeavors, your role as parent and provider, or even your value as a person... you should read this! I had a recent stumble in my plan and it was very depressing. But we really do have people who care for us - we just need to look around us. I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did.


Daffodils - it's Spring!

In spite of a 30-some degree drop in temps between Monday and Tuesday, and a change from sunny to cloudy, Tuesday morning I found this brave soul in the backyard. It's amazing the beautiful things to be found all around you. I don't have to leave the neighborhood, or even the yard for that matter, to see flowers and trees in bloom, robins, cardinals, mourning doves, woodpeckers, squirrels, and rabbits. Good job, God!


My Irish is surfacing...

I think I'm on to something here! Every month I do a desktop calendar for all my friends. This month my daughter wanted one with her dog on it. Well, her best friend wanted one with her dog... my sister has a dog... I have a dog... 4 calendars later, the Oklahoma Cat Ladies protested for equal treatment for cats, so... I did a cat. Today I decided they would make great St. Patrick's day cards - check out the Greeting Card page at my Cafe Press Store!